Peace be the Journey
When we think of success we usually think of it in terms of the end goal. However that may manifest, be it a house, car, or status. We become consumed with the idea of the ‘prize’.
What if I told you that the journey toward the goal, the very process is the purpose? The struggle through the tough days, the enjoyment of the good ones. Rising up to the challenges that present, and taking advantage of the now that's right before you. That's what it's really all about.
In this weeks portion, the Torah details every stop the Jewish people made on their journey Israel. There were forty two stops in all, making it quite the journey! The road to get there is where the Jews became a nation.
Our takeaway? Embrace the challenge of today, enjoy the process. It was for this purpose that we were created, to journey through life, and learn through that journey. Where we end up is not as important as the lessons we learn along the way.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Baruch Hecht