Cursed to Blessed
This week we read about Bilaam, an evil prophet hired by Balak king of Moab to curse the Jews. He tries once, to no avail. A second time, still no luck. Third time's a charm? You guessed it, no curse. Each time he tries, he blesses the Jews instead.
How ironic that some of the most beautiful blessings, some of which tell about the redemption of the Jews and downfall of their enemies is coming from the very source that wanted to curse them!
There is a powerful and timely message contained in this story.
Many times in our lives the experiences that seem like curses actually were blessings. At the time they were blessings in disguise and we just did not see them. They seemed like curses that themselves were a blessing.
This week I was lucky enough to talk with a couple of folks in recovery and what struck me in such a beautiful way was that they said that they are so thankful for the journey because it has brought them to a clarity in their life which they truly appreciate.
May all the things that seem like curses in our life be turned into blessings. Not because we say so, but because we see so.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Baruch Hecht