Fishy Business

The Torah portion this week contains teachings of the mitzvah of Kashrut. In order to fall under the category of 'kosher', an animal must meet specific physical characteristics. Land animals must have split hooves and chew their cud. Fish must have both fins and scales. The Torah provides a list of non-kosher birds and a list of insects that are kosher.

Let's examine fish. If a fish has scales, it should have fins too, don't all fish have fins? Why does the Torah list both?

There is a deeper meaning behind these symbols. The fins are the function that allow fish to swim, they represent progress and forward movement. Scales protect the fish from parasites and reduces friction with the water, symbolizing protection. The scales emblematize an anchor, guarding the fish.

In life, when we're too focused on progress, we may lose sight of the original goal. On the flip side, being too rigid in our thinking and mindset doesn't allow for expansion.

By specifying both characteristics that make a kosher fish, the Torah reminds us that we need a balance of both. When we

swim through life we ought to to hold space for both tradition and modernity.

Live in the now and grow whilst staying rooted to the foundation and morals of Torah.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Baruch Hecht


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