Strange Fire

The last few weeks and months have been wild for Jews across the globe, especially on the college campuses. Antisemitic mobs taking over courtyards, destroying property, harassing Jewish students, and causing chaos we hoped to never witness in our lifetimes.

How did we get to this point? How did society as a whole stoop so low?

Humans are always searching, striving to live a life of meaning and purpose. We each have a fire that burns inside us which pushes us to seek out that higher realm.

And thus, whenever that purpose is removed from truth and godliness it is thereby false. If the impetus for being a good person isn't rooted in truth, in G-d, then it gives space for negative energy to influence. Initially, the ideas and projects may seem important for social justice.

However, the facade ultimately wanes, and reveals the negative energies that were just below the surface. Totally opposite of the very light they claim to shine.

We read of the passing of Aaron's two sons in this weeks Parsha. They died because they brought a strange fire before G-d.

Now, Aarons sons were no professional agitators, they were righteous people. And yet, the strange fire was not what was needed from them at that time. A small deviation can cause major devastation.

We must strengthen our connection to our soul. To our community. We have to continuing educating ourselves and our children in truth - Torah and Jewish based values. This is what will fuel our fire so we can withstand the strange winds that threaten to extinguish it.

Stay strong! Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Baruch Hecht


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